Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Word is Alive

Today marks the six month anniversary of this blog. To be honest, I didn't realize that as I was finishing my Bible reading and mulling over some thoughts being tossed around in my mind. But, the realization of the significance of the day really goes along with the primary thought that has emerged from my Bible reading. God's Word is perfectly appropriate for today. I look back over the challenge post and realize how much God has used whatever I was reading for that day to greatly impact my life and growth in Him. As I've spent these last weeks reading and studying Isaiah, I've seen how there truly is nothing new under the sun - some of the things we are seeing in our Western society were going on thousands of years ago as well. And yet there are still days when I wonder if there is any relevance for me. How can I even think such a thing? God has proven His Word to be alive over and over and over again. The challenge that is impressed upon me today is to act like I truly believe in the powerful pertinence of God's Word. Instead of sitting down to a Sunday school lesson and saying, "Wow, how in the world am I going to teach this?" instead I need to say, "Lord, I'm so excited to see how Your Spirit guides us through this passage!" God is powerful. His Word is powerful. And His Word is pertinent and appropriate. Always and without fail.

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