Saturday, April 25, 2009

Forthcoming Promises

I've been studying Isaiah 54 for Sunday school this week. As the Lord has been pulling the lesson together in my mind, something has been standing out. Prepare. God is working. He's always working. His hand is moving and His plans are falling into place. Sometimes when I can't see what He's doing, I tend to "forget" the promises He's made rather than acting upon them. It's almost like being in those last few weeks of pregnancy. The truth is that the precious growing baby will make his or her appearance in due time, and that time is very soon. So, the waiting parents have to make sure the space is ready to welcome their new one home, the bags are packed for the hospital, and the arrangements are made for the older kids to be taken care of. When I choose to not live like I believe God's promises are forthcoming, I am acting like an expectant mother who is convinced that the baby will never come - that the stress of the last days and weeks of pregnancy will go on forever. I don't prepare a room, pack my bags, or make arrangements. I just sit around moaning and complaining about my current circumstances. God's promises are true, and I am challenged to live each day as if I truly believe them! I am challenged to live like I truly believe Jer 29:11. I am challenged to walk each day rejoicing in His promises and knowing that He is working His plan with love, compassion, justice, and authority. How amazing and incredible that this God calls me His child and that I can walk in His victory!

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