Wednesday, July 7, 2010


For our proud confidence is this: the testimony of our conscience, that in holiness and godly sincerity, not in fleshly wisdom but in the grace of God, we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially toward you.  2 Cor 1:12 

This was the first verse I read this morning, and I almost could not go on.  There is so much here!  I think a thoughts blog post about this verse will be forthcoming, because there’s more here than I typically write for a quick challenge.  For now, though, I’ll touch on the basic challenge that struck me this morning.

Paul’s credibility had been challenged by the Corinthians on multiple occasions, but as he stood before them – either in person or by letter – he could state that he had never in any way led them through the so-called wisdom of the flesh.  In all things he had full confidence that he had drawn on the wisdom and holiness of God.

Wow.  I’ve been evaluating my life on multiple levels related to this verse, and there is no way I could make such a statement.  I am challenged to analyze my interactions and behaviors on a daily – even momentary – basis and make changes that will grow me to the point of this same confidence. 

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