Sunday, July 18, 2010


Therefore having such a hope, we use great boldness in our speech. 2 Cor 3:12

Reading this verse in the context of the whole chapter just overwhelms me.  Paul presents a comparison between the ministry of condemnation and the ministry of righteousness; a comparison between the veiled and unveiled heart.  We live with the new - the ministry of righteousness and the liberty of unveiled hearts.  Yes so often we live as if we are still under the old!  So often I live as if I am still under the old! 

I am most convicted this morning of my lack of boldness in my habit of prayer.  In recent days and weeks, I have not come boldly before the throne of grace (Heb 4:16).  I have come much more pitifully.  It is not so much that I believe God cannot work.  It is more that I doubt my own ability to make any sort of impact through prayer.  My heart aches for the needs, especially for the need for spiritual growth among many of the objects of my prayer.  But, my eyes are focused more on the hardened hearts than on the hand of God.  As a result, I do not come before God in prayer with boldness.  By extension, I do not move in boldness in ministry either. 

Much of what I have read of late, both in Scripture and in other challenging books and articles, has reminded me of victory, righteousness, and freedom from bondage because of the sacrifice of Christ.  What boldness that should bring - in prayer, in praise, and in all ministry and interaction with this world in which I live!  Oh to walk in that boldness!  That is my challenge.  May boldness begin today!

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