Monday, October 19, 2009


When I pondered to understand this, it was troublesome in my sight until I came into the sanctuary of God; then I perceived their end. Psalms 73:16-17 (NASB) The Psalmist is speaking here of the pondering of why wicked people seem to make all the progress in life while the righteous struggle. But, as I read these verses, I realized that many ponderings can fall into this category. I struggle to figure things out. Whether it's figuring out how to do something, what decision to make, or why something is happening, I strive – often in my own mind or with people around me – to make sense out of it all. How many times do I struggle for no reason? I think it's many more times than I would care to admit! Like the psalmist, I need only to enter the presence of God, and suddenly the things I struggle to understand will become clear to me! I need only to get my focus off the issues and onto Him. Then He gives me clarity of sight regarding my struggles. Oh that I would just go to Him much striving and struggling would be resolved from the very beginning.

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