Wednesday, October 21, 2009


When my heart was embittered and I was pierced within, then I was senseless and ignorant; I was like a beast before You. Psalm 73:21-22 (NASB) This Psalm begins with the Psalmist acknowledging that he had begun to stumble because of envy over the success of the wicked. They disregarded the Lord continually, and yet seemed to prosper. He, meanwhile, struggled and suffered while being diligent in obedience. Then, in the verse that really stood out to me yesterday, he came into the presence of the Lord and truth was revealed to him. When his eyes were opened, he was not only able to see the future of the wicked in clarity and truth, but he was also able to see himself. He saw that he was "senseless and a beast before" God. There are so many times when I am restless and dissatisfied. I want. I crave. I long. I feel as though others have everything and I have nothing. Even what I have I cannot appreciate because it's not what I think I want. That is how I am when my heart is wrong. When my heart is envious and embittered. In those times, I must enter the Lord's presence! I must be willing to not only get my focus straightened out so that I realize I have everything because I have Him, but I must also be willing to see myself for who I really am. I must be willing to be exposed before Him that I may also be cleansed and restored before Him. We don't like to be examined and evaluated, but that is the key to being restored. That is the key to being yanked from our bitter misery. I must be willing to see others and myself through His lens. Then and only then will I be free from my embittered outlook.

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