Thursday, September 10, 2009


Immediately they left their nets and followed Him. Matt 4:20 (NASB)


Immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed Him. Matt 4:22 (NASB)


The calling of the fishermen Peter, Andrew, James, and John, is pretty well known.  According to narratives from the other gospels, this is not their first interaction with Jesus.  They had seen who He was and what He was about.  But, I still have to wonder about their willingness to follow Him.  They did not process how to get out of their business. They did not sit down and plan it all out.  They left their nets, their boats, and their father and went with Jesus. 


I do not do that.  I process.  I plan.  I work out the details.  I should follow…immediately. 


What I need to realize is that if the Lord has something for me to do and there is preparation to be done, that preparation will be part of the task.  He says follow.  He does not say prepare.  He does not say tie up loose ends.  He does not tell me to get everything ready so that He can do His work.  He says follow.


I need to learn to do so…immediately.

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