Saturday, September 26, 2009

Belief, not Doubt

And behold, you shall be silent and unable to speak until the day when these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their proper time. Luke 1:20 (NASB)

Doug and I discussed this verse a bit this morning – we discussed the stories of Zacharias here and Abraham back in Genesis. Abraham doubted just like Zacharias, but was not punished. What was the difference?

Although there were several things we discussed, the one that stood out to me the most was this – Zacharias knew the story of Abraham. He knew that God was capable of doing such a thing. And, according to Luke 1:13, Zacharias had prayed for this! Here was a messenger from God informing Zacharias that his prayers were about to be answered, and he doubted. He well knew God's powers. He well knew that such a thing had happened before. Yet he doubted.

I have even more of the Word than Zacharias did. I have even more evidence, for I have written proof of the saving power of Jesus Christ – the very power that dwells within me in the form of the Holy Spirit. And yet I doubt. Sometimes I wonder why I am not continually under discipline for my disbelief. My challenge is to truly live in belief and not doubt. My challenge is to realize all that God can accomplish through a willing heart. My challenge is to be that willing and believing heart. I don't have to be anyone phenomenal – just His child. Oh how excited I am to be His vessel – oh, how ready I am to walk in belief!

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