Sunday, August 16, 2009

My Plans are His

Commit your works to the LORD and your plans will be established. Prov 16:3 (NASB) Quite a few years ago, I was introduced to the story of George Muller. I had read about him and his life and heard many tales, but it wasn't until about a year and a half ago that the impact of his life really began to hit me. His biography was included in our school curriculum that year. As I read his life story with my girls, I almost couldn't get through a day's reading without tears and conviction. This past year, we read several other stories of great faith. We read the amazing story of missionary to China Gladys Aylward, the strong testimony of Joanne Shetler's work among a head-hunting tribe in the Philippines, and the powerful impact of the work of Joy Ridderhof and Gospel Recordings. In all of their stories, there is a common theme - they trusted God in all things. They had their desires. They had their plans. But, they lived out their wholehearted belief that if their plans were of the Lord, He would pave the way. Fully and completely. If they weren't of the Lord, His plan would be much better! I don't live this way. First of all, I have a lot of selfish plans. It's about me, not about the work of the Lord. Secondly, I do a lot of conniving, trying to make my plans fall into place and trying to engineer the provision for those plans. Oh, how much I miss!! This is how I want to live. He will work. He will provide. He will be glorified. I want every aspect of my life to be bound up in that.

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