Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Image of God

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Gen 1:27 (NASB) Something I read this morning didn't settle well in my mind. The indication was that God does not think of Himself, because that would be selfishness. Instead He thinks only of us and our welfare. I would argue that this is not true. God's perspective so greatly differs from ours, and He knows that what He has and is greatly supplies all our needs. He knows that any action or behavior which focuses all attention and glory upon Himself is the best action or behavior for us. This is not selfishness on His part; it is perfect wisdom. The thought that was truly born out of this morning's reading was that all too often we see a good character trait in mankind (i.e. unselfishness and thinking not of ourselves but only of others) and automatically say, "Oh, that must be what God is like!" No! God is infinitely more! Scripture never says that the good we see in ourselves is the character of God; rather that we are made in His image, an incomplete portrayal of His mind-boggling perfection. Whatever good we see on this earth is but a reflection of God, not a completion of His character. So, I come to what I am challenged with today - to not see what is good on this earth and make that be the character of God, but take the character of God, as presented in Scripture, and compare the things on this earth to Him. As a result, my perception of earth will probably grow much less pleasant, but my perception of God will grow phenomenally more incredible - and more accurate.

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