Monday, January 5, 2009


"But they will become his slaves so that they may learn the difference between My service and the service of the kingdoms of the countries." 2 Chron 12:8 (NASB) Today I sense a challenge and a burden to invest in friends more. I have a tendency to stand back sometimes, not avoiding friendships so much as trying to stay behind the scenes in a lot of things. I am feeling burdened to be bold. To be willing to say what needs to be said. To love recklessly. God is bringing a lot of people to my attention right now who truly are or simply claim to be Christians but are quite blinded by the influence of this world. They are not living the incredible life of service to their King, but are instead learning what it is to be in servitude to this world. Some of these people are new to me, but others are old friends. I am feeling so challenged to greatly invest in them. It's scary. I've made people mad before by sharing something I felt strongly about. I don't like that! So, I'm challenged to make sure that I am speaking only what the Lord tells me, and that I'm loving them like crazy in the meantime. I'm challenged to be a vessel through which friends can see what it's like to be in the service of the King of the universe rather than the prince of this world.

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