Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Persistent Faith

Mark 10:46-52 tells the familiar story of Blind Bartimaeus, the blind beggar on the road to Jericho who will not stop yelling until he is heard – and healed – by Jesus.

I realized something as I reread Bartimaeus’ story this morning – I have nowhere near the faith he had. 

There are times I feel ignored by Jesus as well.  It’s as if He’s just walking right along, ministering to people all around me.  I feel as if I’m the outcast on the side of the road.  The humbling thing about it, though, is that no one is telling me to hush.  Instead they are encouraging me. 

“Keep praying.  Keep crying out.  He is faithful!  He will hear you and He will act in His perfect timing.” 

Bartimaeus was being told to be quite and leave Jesus alone, but he persisted, getting louder and louder.  He didn’t complain.  He didn’t petition anyone else and ask them to seek Jesus for Him.  He pleaded with Jesus alone and let no one distract him from that course.

I, on the other hand, will pray for a while.  Then when nothing happens I’ll start griping.  I’ll share my woes and ask other people to pray for me.  There’s nothing wrong with the prayer support, mind you, but there is something wrong with my attitude.  I spend more time complaining and mulling over my situation than I do crying out to Jesus for His mercy.

I am challenged to have the faith of Bartimaeus.  My Savior will not walk right by me without completing His work.  Will I believe that?

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