Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hiding Me

Romans 1:1-6 really got me this morning.  I'll be blogging about it on the thoughts blog before too much longer, but I just had to share it here today.

Paul is introducing himself to the Roman church, and it is a pretty long introduction before he gets to the recipients in verse 7.  But, the thing that grabbed my heart this morning was that, although Paul was introducing himself, the introduction was not really about him.  It was all about who he was in Christ.

I am so incredibly self-centered, and I suffer the consequences of that selfishness.  Oh, to be like Paul.  Oh, to realize that nothing is about me - not even an introduction to who I am.  Who I am should be so completely wrapped up in Christ that I cannot even talk about myself without talking about Him! 

My challenge in coming days is to totally re-evaluate my self-introduction.  I know who is more visible right now - me.  Totally and completely.  I am challenged to change that.  Christ should be most apparent.