Wednesday, June 30, 2010

For Whose Sake?

This morning I was in 1 Cor 8 in my Sunday school preparation for this week.  As I was studying through and reviewing the whole chapter – but especially 1 Cor 8:9-13 – I began to wonder about my own attitude toward things that I think of as forbidden or taboo.  Things that I view as the idols of this world.  What is my motivation behind avoiding those things?

Examining my heart, I realized that my motivation is similar to Peter’s in Acts 10:14.  I avoid things to keep myself pure.  I truly long to grow in Christ, and I don’t want to do anything to stunt that growth. 

But that should not be my sole motivation.  Yes, I long to grow, and yes I must have becoming like Christ as my life goal.  But, when it comes to whether or not I participate in certain activities, how frequently is my concern for the growth of others?  More often than not, my concern is selfish.  That ought not be!

I am challenged to be more outwardly focused.  I am challenged to think not only of my own growth, but of that of those around me as well.  My every action should be to glorify God through, and a great deal of that is bound up in the furthering of His kingdom.  Oh, my I not be so concerned about myself that I miss the ways I can be concerned for others!

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