This month shall be the beginning of months for you; it is to be the first month of the year to you. Exodus 12:2
Earlier this morning I was looking at the upcoming week and thinking about how it is already full. We’re only beginning the second day, but we might as well be starting next week for all the flexibility there is.
Then I read this verse and the subsequent passage. God came in and pretty much told the Israelites how it was going to be. He told them how they were going to structure their year. He told them in minute detail how they were to prepare and eat this meal. Essentially, He informed them that they were now His, and therefore everything from how they performed a basic function of life (eating) to how they structured their time was now in His control and they would do it all His way. Just thumbing through the remaining Books of the Law confirms what begins right here. It’s God’s business, and we are to completely submit to it.
The days before me are not mine. I might have intentions for them, but if I hold stubbornly to those intentions at the neglect of what God intends to do through me, then I am walking in disobedience. There is no way around it. My schedule frequently holds little room for flexibility – little space for God to step in and tell me how He wants me to do something. That has to stop!
A schedule helps me be accountable for my time and energy. It helps me be a good steward of what God has placed before me. But, when it takes the place of God ordaining my steps such that I heed the schedule instead of heeding my Lord, it becomes a false god – a worshipped idol. That must cease!
Lord, this week is Yours. May I be a good steward of all You lay before me, and may I be have open eyes to see Your plan clearly – even if You lay it out mere minutes before I am to follow.
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