Monday, March 8, 2010


Do all things without grumbling or disputing… Phil 2:14

This verse made up a good portion of Doug’s sermon last night.  As he preached, I realized how much I do grumble about things.  I might not argue or fight with others, but I don’t go into the things I do for the Lord with cheerfulness and joy.  I hunger to change that about myself.  To go into each and every thing with cheerfulness and joy.  No grumbling.  No disputing.  No complaining.  I long to be a shining star (Phil 2:15), in my family, in my church, and in this world. 

And I’m going to start right now…

1 comment:

Tina Bostian said...

I tend to "mumble" sometimes about the things I have to do here that I didn't have to do there (the extra housework and cooking :-)) and I really am trying to focus on JOY myself and NOT grumbling too! I take this challenge with you!! Thanks for the encouragement today! Hope you have a blessed day!