Friday, March 12, 2010

Good Word

Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good word makes it glad. Prov 12:25 (NASB)

As I read this verse today, I couldn’t help but think about my own heart.  I let anxiety weigh my heart down far too frequently, especially considering that Jesus makes it clear that worry is a sin.

But what really challenged me today was not the thought of all of the anxiety, but the reference to the “good word” that “makes it glad.”  What do I accept as a “good word” that will actually accomplish overcoming anxiety?

Too often, I insist that the good word be a solution to the problem I am worrying about.  An unexpected check in the mail to solve my financial woes.  A change in the schedule to ease my exhaustion.  A change in a child’s behavior to improve conditions at home.  Something encouraging at church to help bring encouragement that we really are making a difference. 

When I rely on good words like those, my reliance is on the circumstantial.  And yet, when are my circumstances ever truly reliable?  How often do circumstances look great one minute only to fall apart the next? 

The good word I must rely on here comes not from my circumstances or even from a “knight in shining armor” rescue from them.  Instead, it comes from God Himself.  It comes from the fact that He gives me supernatural peace in the midst of the circumstances (Phil 4:7).  It comes from acceptance of the fact that He has overcome this world and therefore I have no reason to fear (John 16:33).

My challenge is to recognize that the only true source of a good word is God Himself.  Only His truth will make my heart glad.  May I learn to accept His good word!

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