Friday, September 25, 2009

My Great Lord!

For I know that the LORD is great and that our Lord is above all gods. Psalms 135:5 (NASB) I know this is true in my head and in my heart. He is incredibly great. He is phenomenally great. But, do I live like this is true? Do I live like I know that my Lord is great? Do I live like I serve Him? I know I am growing in this, but I have a long way to go. I speak with defeat so frequently. I get caught up in the world's junk so often. I miss the chance to encourage others with this truth on so many occasions. I am so excited to know that He is growing me in my knowledge and understanding of His greatness. My challenge is to truly live out what He's teaching me!! Yes, I know that my Lord is great! Praise His Name!!

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