Monday, September 21, 2009


Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; sing praises to His name, for it is lovely. Psalms 135:3 (NASB) Do you ever have days when you feel that you cannot do anything right? When everything you attempt seems to fall apart? I have those days, and I hate them! I will admit, so far today is not one of those days, which just might be why this verse stood out to me in this way. When I am in the middle of those days, I struggle to process such beautiful nuggets in God's Word. But, today this thought occurred to me - when I cannot seem to do anything right or well, there is something that will always have perfect results. Praise. "...sing praise to His Name, for it is lovely." Now, I don't know if in the original text the "it" here is referring to His Name or the praise itself, but I guarantee that if I truly praise Him, that praise will be lovely. It will be a right accomplishment. I just cannot go wrong. So, my challenge is to remember this verse and keep it close to my heart as a tool for those rough days. Then when it seems I can do nothing right, the Lord can bring this verse to my mind to remind me of the one thing I can accomplish well. Maybe, just maybe, the rest of the day will turn around as well!

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