Monday, April 4, 2011


For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

I’ve long known the truth of Psalm 84:10 (scroll over the reference to read the verse), but more on the level of knowing for a fact that the presence of God is better than anywhere else. But, there’s a difference between knowing that fact and truly experiencing the reality.

I’m learning more and more that the one day in His courts seems most real to me when reading the Bible seems to stir something in me I cannot explain. I can honestly say that one moment of interaction last night with a single phrase in John was fuller than a thousand other moments combined. There was an amazing combination of conviction, stirring, joy, and peace that I cannot put into words. It was not an emotional response. It was not a physical response. It was a spiritual treasure as I knew the word of God was truly piercing my very soul.

The thing is, those moments can be frightening. When we really interact with God, we cannot help but know the fear of Him – the only fear that Scripture acknowledges as truly legitimate. It is no coincidence or accident that the writer of Hebrews follows up Heb 4:12 with the discussion of our personal High Priest Jesus Christ, His amazing interaction with us, and our ability to draw near to the throne of God with confidence – all thoughts that remind us that the fear of God should not ever separate us from Him.

I’m not sure exactly how to express this challenge. I suppose it comes down to this: I am challenged to more fully interact with the Word of God. To not shy away from the sword as it pierces my very soul. To remember that with the fear and pain of the piercing also comes the perfect peace and joy of that moment, that “one day” in His courts.

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