But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul. Heb 10:39
It’s amazing to me how some verses can almost seem to disappear around well-known and popular passages of Scripture. Like Hebrews 10:39. This is the verse that leads into the famous faith chapter, a chapter which I have long known and been familiar with. But somehow I’ve never paid much attention to Heb 10:39.
My perspective on Hebrews 11 has always been one of, “These are the heroes of the faith. Be like them. Imitate them. Learn from them. In doing so, you will learn to be full of faith as they were.” And, I believe that perspective is Scripturally valid. But, this lead-in verse indicates something more.
It indicates that we are already an active part of the heritage of faith. It says that “we are…of those who have faith.” If we are walking with Christ, we are already in this company! The difference is that we already have the promise that they looked forward to in their walks of faith. We have the salvation. We have the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We have the written Word of God.
That challenges my way of thinking. It is one thing to strive to be like these heroes of the faith. It is another to be considered among them. Like the recipients of Hebrews, I am of the community of faith. I simply need to act like it. To walk in confidence and with endurance (Heb 10:35-36). I can’t truly put into words how that mentality changes my perspective, but I know it does.
I am challenged to walk in that perspective. To realize that life is more than just striving to imitate these people, but it is learning to walk alongside them, co-heirs of the inheritance of the promise.
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