Tuesday, February 16, 2010


A discovery was thrust upon me today, one which seems so incredibly plain as I meditate on it.  But, for some reason, up until now it has not even occurred to me.

For some time now, 1 Corinthians 10:31 has been a go-to verse of sorts for me.  Am I glorifying God in what I do?  If I am to be honest, I will admit that I do not ask that question with any sort of consistency.  But, it is my goal to ask it with greater frequency as each day passes.

But, what occurred to me today was that I have been asking the question wrongly.  I have been asking it of myself. 

“How can I glorify God through what I am doing right now?”


“What do I need to be doing right now that will bring glory to God?”

The questions might be correct, but how can I truly know what will bring glory to God unless I ask the question of the right Person?  I would never stand in the kitchen and ask myself what Doug wants for lunch.  I would ask him!  How much more ludicrous to analyze the heart of the Creator of the universe without at least consulting Him on the issue!

So, my challenge is to not only seek to more greatly glorify God each and every step of my day, but to direct my questions to Him instead of myself.  Maybe, just maybe, I will see more progress and success in actually glorifying Him in what I do.

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