Thursday, February 25, 2010


…among whom you are also the called of Jesus Christ;  Romans 1:6

I am called of Jesus Christ.  Personally selected and chosen.  It’s not just that Jesus died for the world and I happened to be in it.  He chose me.  Died for me.

But, in the process, He also entrusted me.  Paul has just spent the first five verses of Romans detailing what his own calling means – his own bond-servant submission to Jesus Christ.

There have been times in my life when I have been entrusted with great tasks and responsibilities by people I respect.  It has been an honor, and I have sought to fulfill those responsibilities with the best I have had to offer. 

Do I respond the same way to the tasks and responsibilities entrusted to me by the Lord of the universe, the Almighty Savior of my soul?  I shouldn’t just give the best I have to offer – I should give my all.  Everything I have and everything I am.

And so I go into today challenged to rise to the calling – to submit my all and to pour my every breath into the tasks and responsibilities set before me by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

All while leaping for joy and singing in praise of the one who called and chose little ole me. 


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