Monday, August 3, 2009

Giving Thanks

I will give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and will glorify Your name forever. Psalms 86:12 (NASB) The moment I read this, one of my favorite verses jumped into mind. Phil 4:6. Then another thought occurred to me. When I'm presenting my requests to God, do I just give up a token thanks to make sure my request is heard, or am I really giving thanks to God with all my heart? Ouch! So many times when I pray, I think, "Okay, let me can I be thankful in this?" Then, once I express my thankfulness, I'm done and ready to move on and finish my request. That's not how it works! Being thankful with my whole heart means putting so much more into thankfulness than just polishing off a request! It involves living and breathing that thankfulness! It involves rejoicing when there seems to be nothing to rejoice in! Today alone there have been many ways God has challenged me in this very area. It's not easy, that I can guarantee. I'm struggling with it greatly! But, I want to grow in this. And, I'm so thankful - yes, with my whole heart - that God doesn't call me to grow in anything without providing the full strength of His Spirit to accomplish that growth. Thank You, my Lord! Thank You!

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