Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Today I don't really have a challenge, but more of a realization. I am distant right now. I'm still sensing His presence and hearing His voice, but I have taken a step or two away from the intimacy. My amazing, wonderful, awesome, powerful, jealous, loving, and personal Father must not be just the center of my world, but the all of my world. He is to be the reason for every action I take, every thought I think, every word I say, every breath I breathe. That must be my goal - the state of being toward which I am striving. I sadly confess that I have not been striving for that goal lately. I've striven to keep the lines of communication open and continue to learn and grow, but I've allowed so many other things to invade my focus. And, I have felt it! I have sensed a discontent and a depression creeping back in - the things I experience when I'm not focused well. So, today I have a goal - to discipline my mind and refocus it in the right direction, pressing toward the goal of a God-centered existence. Will I reach that goal today? Goodness no! It will take a lifetime and beyond. But, that's where I'm supposed to be, and I must re-engage in that goal today!

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