Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pleasing Words

Not having consistent access to my house, a computer, or the internet, I'm a little disoriented as to what day it even is! I've had many "thoughts" throughout this week, and I think what is being posted on this blog is a bit of the culmination of those thoughts. It's very interesting to me how God takes a concept and teaches me multiple aspects of that concept. I mentioned the other day that I love words. As I read through Job, though, I am reminded how dangerous that can be! Job's friends came with the intention of comforting him, but then they grew a bit irritable when he did not accept their form of comfort. Now, I confess that there are some times when we must say words that aren't pleasant. I've had to do that before, and I've made people mad at me because of it! At those times, my words have not been said lightly - they have been prayed over, agonized over. I have sought the Lord intensely, often asking that I not have to say what I'd been told to say. Obedience has not been fun, but it has been confirmed each time. But, there are many times when I just rush in and say what I want to say - share my opinion, which may be true, but might not be what God wanted said at that particular moment. Like that of Job's friends, my wordiness may have been more harmful than helpful. So, as I process through "wordiness" and what God is telling me about it this week, I'm challenged to have one foundational principle that covers all I say. That principle is this... Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer. Psalms 19:14 (NASB)

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