Even as I have been silent on this blog, my heart and mind have not been silent. They have been working quite strenuously, in fact, to process what I have been learning and reading. But, I can’t really put any of what I’ve learned into words. And that bothers me.
Sometimes when I work and work but cannot really show anything for my efforts, I get discouraged. I begin to slack and become lazy. It shows in my spiritual life, my interactions with the kids, the maintenance of my home, my diligence to fulfill obligations – essentially in every aspect of my life.
This morning as I was praying, I asked the Lord to remind my heart how to keep working – how to not become discouraged through this time of not being able to really put my thoughts into words. One word came to mind.
I’ve heard that word so many times! I know the power of rejoicing! I know the freedom that comes from it! Why do I stray from it so frequently?
Today I read Romans 8:18-25. Much is swirling through my mind related to this passage, but the last verse seemed so relevant to my prayers this morning. Verse 25 says this, “But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.”
I am not working toward enough understanding to write, whether it be in my private journal or on a blog. I am not working to maintain a clean home. I am not even working to educate my children or effectively participate in the ministry of our church. Instead, I am working toward an eternal hope – something I cannot see or put into words. But, something that should fill my heart with exceeding great joy and hope when I ponder upon it.
So, even when I have nothing in the here and now to show for my work, I will rejoice. I will persevere. I will hope. And even as I think of it, my soul is lifting and I am beginning to anxiously desire to get going with this day – and rejoice.
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