Exodus 34:29-35 shares a beautiful story. The story is that of Moses’ interactions with God. When Moses descended from the mountain of God with the Ten Commandments, his face was glowing. In fact, it was glowing to the extent that the people were scared of him! So, he covered his face with a veil.
Some days I wonder if there is any indication of my being in the presence of God. I want there to be! I want other believers to look at me and see the tell-tale signs that I have been with Jesus – much like mothers can look at a woman and just know that she has that glow of pregnancy (sometimes before the mother-to-be even knows herself!). I want non-believers to look at me and see that there’s just something strange and different about me. Even if it’s annoyingly so!
But, I long for something else, too. I long to be so caught up in my interactions with Jesus that I don’t realize there’s visible evidence of that interaction. Moses had no idea his face was glowing until the people were scared of him. I want to be focused on Jesus, not on how I look to others.
Even as I am typing this, the joy and excitement are welling up inside me. I am ready to be in His presence all day. Oh, Lord Jesus, please teach me how to truly abide in You! This is where I so incredibly long to be! Please may I learn to not falter as the day wears on! Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You desire my company!