Monday, December 7, 2009

No Pauses

But Philip found himself at Azotus , and as he passed through he kept preaching the gospel to all the cities until he came to Caesarea.   Acts 8:40 (NASB)

Yes, I'm still in this story!  Didn't I say I loved it? 

This morning the very last verse really grabbed me.  Something absolutely extraordinary had just happened to Philip.  First of all, an angel had appeared to him and told him to go to this specific road.  Then, he met a man who was just itching for good news Philip just so happened to have available to share.  So, he shared it, baptized the man, and then disappeared into thin air! 

The image of Star Trek comes to mind.  "Beam me up!"  I can't help but wonder how it felt to Philip to suddenly and supernaturally be transported from the presence of the eunuch to Azotus.  To just have "found himself" there.  I can only imagine how I would have responded to such an event.

But, what did Philip do?  He kept right on preaching!  I'm sure this most recent experience was used as an illustration in at least one sermon, but he just moved right along and preached. 

So often there are things that happen unexpectedly in my life.  I find myself in new situations or new circumstances.  I find my expected plans interrupted.  And, it seems I always have to have a bit of an adjustment period to work back into normalcy. 

I was convicted today that I need never take an adjustment period before getting back to the ministry of the gospel.  Life might be "interrupted."  What I consider my normal routine might be challenged and changed.  But, there should be no pause in ministry.  No pause in sharing the gospel.  No excuse that should keep me away from serving the Lord fully.  No matter how extraordinary the circumstances.  I just need to get right back to sharing the gospel!

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