Monday, July 27, 2009


Make glad the soul of Your servant, for to You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. Psalms 86:4 (NASB) I realized this morning just how many things I try to chase after for gladness. A good night's sleep, a piece of chocolate, or a project completed make me happy. Clothes fitting better or a lower number on the scale always bump me up on the gladness scale. Time with my hubby and peaceful days with the kids are times of gladness. But, I was challenged this morning by what I try to lean on for gladness. All of those things are environmental. They are circumstances that can change so quickly (especially considering that too much of that chocolate can cause trouble with the clothes fitting and those pesky scale numbers!). Doug has to go off to work, so I can't always be with him. Kids will be kids, and there are days that just aren't great! Circumstances cannot be relied upon for gladness. They just can't! This morning the Lord reminded me of another favorite verse - Psalm 94:19 which reads, "When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul." This morning He blessed me with beautiful consolations. I wasn't even worried about anything, but thoughts just kept tossing back and forth in my mind, jumbling up and distracting me. In those moments, He gave me little consolations that literally brought tears of delight to my eyes! Only the Lord can truly grant me gladness. He may grant it through my family or certain circumstances, but if it doesn't originate with Him, it's not lasting gladness. I'm challenged to seek Him and Him alone for my gladness. I'm challenged to delight His heart and feel His heart delight mine. He alone has the perfect ability to delight my soul!

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