Monday, April 20, 2009

Pleasing Meditation

Let my meditation be pleasing to Him; as for me, I shall be glad in the LORD. Psalms 104:34 (NASB) My thoughts wander...a lot. I go through my day thinking about all sorts of things - everything from prayer requests to relived conversations; from daydreams to an ongoing novel being written in my head; from agitations to enlightenments. So, the question is, are my meditations pleasing to Him? Do my thoughts express that I am glad in the Lord? The renewal of my mind according to Romans 12:2 is not a one-time occurrence, but an ever present striving. Some days seem more victorious than others, but Ps 104:34 and Phil 4:8 and other similar verses give me very concrete goals to reach toward - very specific ways to renew my mind on a daily basis...and be pleasing to my God.

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