Saturday, January 3, 2009

Be Challenged

I don't have a verse for today - or even a reference to a chapter. I just have an impression. I love a good challenge. It energizes me. It helps me grow. But, I also am realizing something about myself - I like a challenge that falls within the scope of fitting my personality. I do not mind being stretched and pulled out of my comfort zone, but I want it to be something that makes me better at what I do and who I am now. There are challenges that start something new. They develop a skill never explored. They open doors never opened. Some people thrive on those challenges. To be honest, I am scared of them. As I type and mull over this thought, I can't see a specific challenge before me that falls in this category, but I do wonder if I am soon to be led in that area. I think the challenges I have received so far have been stretchings. So, today I am challenged to go beyond being stretched to a place of being opened to something new. It is a frightening thought, but I am reminded that I am not to have a spirit of fear but of power, love, and discipline (2 Timothy 1:7). So, here I go! Lord, help me to be faithful wherever You lead!

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