But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 1 Tim 1:5
Oh how full my heart is today! This morning has been good. It has been one of those days when God’s Word has been truly alive, reaching to the innermost parts of my heart. My notes are full, and so is my head.
At first it was hard to pick one thing to write about as a challenge, but then it became clear what set today apart from recent days and therefore what my primary challenge was.
So often I read just waiting for that perfect thing to pop out that I can write about. Yes, I’m looking for a challenge for myself, but I want to write well. Without even thinking about it, writing this challenge becomes my goal rather than true personal growth being my aim.
I am a discipler at heart. But, if all I read and learn is aimed toward what I can write or teach, then nothing of 1 Tim 1:5 is true of me. My teaching is not love from a pure heart, a good conscious, or a sincere faith. All of those things come from making sure I look at me first, growing myself in a pure and honest manner. Then the teaching just flows naturally. When the teaching itself becomes the goal, it is not natural or pure.
So, my challenge is to stop thinking about this challenge – or any other teaching or writing – when I am in my morning time of reading. If when all is said and done I can look back and see something to write, then it is proceeding from a pure heart. If not, then so be it. I want all that proceeds from me to come from a pure heart. Oh, Lord Jesus, may it be so!