Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, to the saints who are at Ephesus and who are faithful in Christ Jesus; grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Eph 1:1-2 NASB
I intended to write yesterday and didn’t, so I’m going to share two thoughts today.
1. To those “who are faithful.” Do we ever really stop to ponder that? Do I? God speaks to His children, but sometimes I think I desire a good and encouraging message from the Lord more when I’m stubbornly clinging to sinful behavior than when I’m actively seeking to walk in righteousness. The things God says to me when I am walking in a sinful attitude are pretty straightforward, and they are not intended to encourage me to continue in that path.
I am His child for eternity, and my faithfulness or lack thereof will not change that fact. Nor will it change the fact that He speaks to me where I am. But, what He has to say to me is most definitely affected by my faithfulness. Oh, that I may be counted among those who are faithful, for how I hunger to hear the words given to the faithful!
2. “Grace to you and peace…” When I stop and think about those two words, I realize how frequently I do not live as if they apply to me. God’s grace is given freely to me – to one who deserves it so little yet receives it so abundantly. But, more often than not I live as if, since I don’t deserve it, I shouldn’t receive it. And peace! Oh, how amazing it is when I rest in it! Yet so regularly I believe the lie that if I’m at peace then I can’t be praying enough or concerned enough about the seriousness of whatever situation it may be.
Grace and peace are mine, without any doubt or question. As a beloved child of the Almighty God, they have been given to me “simply” because of my adoption. Will I scorn my place as a child of God by living as if I have no grace and peace? Or will I walk in the grace and peace given to me, learning more each day what it truly means to be God’s beloved daughter?